Hudební vzdělání zrakově postižených – notační techniky pro nevidomé

Kabinet hudební historie Etnologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i. vás zve na sedmou část cyklu „Hudba v českých zemích – hudba z českých zemí“. Jedná se o vernisáž výstavy na téma

Hudební vzdělání zrakově postižených – notační techniky pro nevidomé

ve středu 28. května 2014 v 17 hodin,

Výstavu zahájí a okomentuje autorka scénáře Markéta Kozinová. V hudebním programu vystoupí posluchači Konzervatoře Jana Deyla a střední školy pro zrakově postižené v Praze. Výstava potrvá do 24. září 2014.

Praha 6, Puškinovo nám. 9, sál knihovny

Future of Art and Science in the World of Money (22.5.)

Future of Art and Science in the World of Money

Are you interested in art? Do you work in the field of linking creativity and advance technology? Do you consider this way of thinking desirable or not?

Art and new technologies are becoming more and more connected together.Future of Art & Science Collaborations is a special module, which focuses on future of connecting these two fields, especially from theoretic point of view.

We are going to discuss the connection between Education, Art, Science and Finances, which is nearly a condition for successful existence and future collaboration. Within the panel we would like to speak about specific Czech environment, as well as the European strategy for the future horizons (even beyond 2020) and way of thinking about this topic. We feel it very urgent and important to discuss such things and the discussion dedicated to this theme offers a great opportunity to make it happen.



Luis Miguel Girão – Representant of European Commision, Founder of Artshare and Coordinator of ICT ART CONNECT 2013 of the European Commission


Mgr. Arnošt Marks, Ph.D. – Deputy of Vice-chairman Pavel Bělobrádek and Director of Research, Development and Innovation Section. 


PhDr. Jaroslav Anděl – Artistic director of DOX Centre


Mgr. Alexandr Prokop – Moderator, Expert on connecting of art and science, Member and founder of Uskupení TESLA


The debate will take place on May 22nd from 18:00 to 20:30 in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague.

Entrance is for free. We highly recommend a reservation at jan.gregar [at], so we could guarantee you a seat at the discussion.

EUSJA study trip do Ruska – přihlášky do 31.5.2014

This trip is organized as a part of the All Russia Science Festival programme dedicated to EU-Russia Science Year has been announced for 2014. The Festival will be in October 10-12, but the programme includes different events during the whole year, also the last week of September will be a study trip for EUSJA members to visit some research centers of Russia, to meet Russian scientists and science journalists. The trip is organized by All Russia Science Festival team, Lomonosov Moscow State University and other research centers, Russian association of Science Writers and Journalists.

The detailed programme will be sent out later. But here are the research centers we shall visit for sure. These are:

– Lomonosov Moscow State University which will celebrate its 260 anniversary in 2015 – to visit one of the most powerful supercomputer center of Europe, to learn about university space satellites including the satellite “Lomonosov” ready for launch, to lean about the new projects in nanotechnology, biomedicine and other researches in collaboration with European science centers, to see the new campus of Moscow University under construction, to find out the history of Russian universities and science and so on;

– Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna – to visit the labs which are the part of European mega science, to learn about the synthesis of new chemical elements in JINR, to see a new collider NICA under construction (so called “younger sister of LHC”);

– Institute for Space Researches of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) – to learn about the new studies of Mars and Moon, coming launches of space vehicles in collaboration with ESA, the history of Russian space programmes;

 Institute for Biomedical Problems of RAS – to learn about international experiments for Mars (e.g. experiment “Mars-500” – simulation of the flight to Mars), special trainings for the astronauts and so on;

– Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of RAS – we shall visit some very interesting labs and learn about the new researches of Russian geneticists (genetic identification, genographic project etc), we shall visit also Nicolai Vavilov Museum, the outstanding scientist who was imprisoned and killed as “enemy of the people” – to learn about the repressions in science.

There are some other visits to be confirmed, for example, we want to show you the Space Mission Control situated in Korolev, a city named after Sergei Korolev, the chief designer of the first space rockets. The Space Mission Control is a place to watch the launchings of space ships, to direct the flight of the International Space Station. We are planning also the bus tour through the city of Moscow, the discussion with Russian members of EUSJA and with the students studying in the new programme of science journalism in Lomonosov University.

The conditions as following: arrival at September 23, evening of 23-th – reception, the days of 24, 25, 26 and half day of 27-th – the programme of the trip. The trip will end on Saturday September 27 after the lunch. As usual with EUSJA trips, the journalists have to take care of their flights. The organizers will cover 4 night hotel accommodation, meal, transfers during the programme.

We invite up to 25 EUSJA members. The deadline for applications is May 31

. Applications must be sent via national associations to Please write in a body of a letter the list of your nominees (name, media, e-mail, for free lancer – which media works for), and attach the application forms. You may change your ranking, add or cancel the applications before the deadline, so do not wait till the last day please.


We have to organize the visa invitations what takes a long time (about a month when all the papers are collected n the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), so please ask your applicants to fill in the attached form punctually. The visa invitations will be sent via e-mail and then – via postal mail as some consulates ask the origin of the invitation. So it is very important to mention a relevant postal address.



Application form for EUSJA study trip to Russia:

September 23-27. Applications must be sent via national association to

Deadline – May 31.

1. Name and surname (according passport) –

2. Country of residence –

3. Nationality –

4. Media –

5. Address of employer –

6. Position –

7. Home postal address –

8. Telephone and fax –

9. E-mail –

10. Passport N –

11. City of Consulate (where you will apply for visa) –

12. scan of the 1-st page of passport (scan sent via e-mail) –

Please write also a full postal address (if this differs!) which our officers will use to send you

the visa invitation.

Přihlašte se na setkání s novináři: Kampus NUPHARO (do 13.5.)

Srdečně vás zveme na novinářské setkání, kde vám přestavíme novinky týkající se budování technologicko-inovačního campusu Nupharo, který je unikátním projektem v rámci centrální Evropy i z globálního pohledu. Poprvé veřejně přestavíme použití unikátních technologií campusu; speciální produkty a služby i harmonogram stavby.

Tiskové setkání se uskuteční ve středu 14.5.2014 od 10 hodin, na adrese Václavské náměstí 57, Praha 1 v prostorách Squire Sanders.

Prosíme o potvrzení účasti nejpozději do středy 13.5.

 Těšíme se na setkání.


Nupharo  |  Marketing & Communication
mobile: (+420) 774.517.137+1 (415)602.1517

Vaclavske nam. 813/57  |  110 00  Praha 1  |  Czech Republic

From consumer trends to climate change: Why SE Asia is shifting to a ‘green economy’

President Yudhoyono to deliver keynote address

at Forests Asia Summit in Jakarta on May 5

29 April 2014 — The President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, will join a who’s who of VIPs from across Southeast Asia and beyond at the Forests Asia Summit in Jakarta next week.

President Yudhoyono will deliver the keynote speech on 5 May, kicking off two days of discussions, during which more than 120 speakers and 1,700 participants will explore ways to better manage the region’s forests and landscapes in the pursuit of green growth.

Southeast Asia’s recent economic growth has come largely at the expense of natural resources. Even now, each month in Southeast Asia, an area of forest three times the size of Jakarta is stripped of its trees. But with natural capital dwindling, climate change looming and the population growing, countries are looking for alternative strategies for development.

“Green growth” breaks away from the “environment vs. economy” dilemma, by seeking development strategies that are good not only for the economy but also for the environment and society — at a time when consumers are increasingly demanding that companies and governments look at more than the financial bottom line.


  • One global NGO campaign against environmentally unsustainable practices cost a Southeast Asian corporation five multimillion-dollar contracts. 
    Banks and businesses must think differently to achieve sustainability and manage new risks. What should investors do? What are some innovative ideas for financing?
  • In 2011, Norway cut its palm oil consumption by two-thirds following a campaign linking palm oil to deforestation.
    Can Southeast Asia’s massive palm oil industry make good on recent “no-deforestation” pledges? Can governments make sure they honor these pledges?
  • In the past decade, more than 100 companies have stopped purchasing from a leading Southeast Asian paper pulp company on environmental grounds.
    How can businesses and governments support the paper pulp industry — a pillar of the regional economy — while minimizing damage to the environment?

Among the 120+ speakers at the Forests Asia Summit at Jakarta’s Shangri-La Hotel are:

  • 10 Ministers and Deputy Ministers from across Southeast Asia
  • Executives from 25+ companies, including Golden Agri-Resources, APP, Nestle, Cargill
  • Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri
  • World-renowned scientists in the fields of forestry, agriculture and development
  • Leading NGOs and indigenous groups
  • Top donors, including the World Bank, ADB, Norway, USAID


Media register for free: