Do kina na disertaci!

Převzato od kolegů z Ábíčka:

Nezvyklou formou byla publikována doktorská disertace Michala V Šimůnka z Kabinetu dějin vědy Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR. Jeho práci si totiž vybral jako podklad pro nový film Eugéniové režisér Pavel Štingl, který ho premiérově uvedl letos na jaře v rámci festivalu Jeden svět. Odborným poradcem pro film byl Marco Stella, kurátor Hrdličkova muzea na Přírodovědecké fakultě UK. V hodnocení ASEP či RIV se sice tento počin mladých badatelů neodrazí, ale zato působivou formou seznámí tisíce diváků s tím, jaká zvěrstva v minulosti napáchala myšlenka elitářského šlechtitelství aplikovaného na člověka a rasové teorie.(

NOMINUJTE REPORTÉRA – Cena v oblasti informování o rakovině (do 30.4.2014)


The European School of Oncology (ESO) is seeking nominations for its annual Best Cancer Reporter Award which honours excellence in cancer journalism. The Award is presented each year to a consumer journalist (staff or freelance) reporting for print, online, and broadcast media who has made an outstanding contribution to enhancing public understanding about cancer.

2014 Best Cancer Reporter Award winner will receive a prize of €5,000. The runner up will receive €2,500. Special Merit Awards will also be given to journalists who the jury believe have excelled in different areas of cancer journalism. In addition, articles from the award-winning journalists will be published in ESO’s Cancer World magazine (

Do you think that you should be rewarded for your critical and accurate reporting on cancer?

If so, submit a nomination form to ESO by April 30, 2014. 

 For full details and a nomination form visit
or contact Corinne Hall
+39 02 85 46 45 22+39 02 85 46 45 22

Grant na ESOF pro studenty žurnalistiky

Travel grant for science journalism students

EuroScience Open Forum 2014 invites10 science journalism students from around the world to apply for travel grants.

It is expected that 250 media representatives will be at the ESOF2014 science forum in Copenhagen from 21-26 June 2014. You should be one of them!

The successful grantees will get free private acoomodation in Copenhagen during ESOF2014 trough our ‚Human Hotel‘ programme, and up to €750 to help cover the costs of accommodation for the remaining nights and travels to and from Copenhagen.

V případě zájmu kontaktujte Marinu –


Aktualizovaný program pro ICT Estonsko – přihlášky do 7.4.2014

ICT in Estonia – A study trip to Tallinn and Tartu, 14–17 May 2014

Updated with further details

  • PŘIHLÁŠKY DO 7.4.2014 pošlete na adresu Mariny Hužvárové:

The Estonian Association of Science Journalists and the Estonian Research Council are inviting fifteen European Union of Science Journalists‘ Associations (“EUSJA”) science journalists to a study trip to explore Estonian computer science and e-society systems, from 14–17 May 2014. On the two-and-a-half days of the trip, journalists will meet with outstanding information and communication technology (“ICT”) researchers in Estonian universities, visit successful ICT businesses and get acquainted with Estonia’s unique e-government solutions.

Program itinerary at-a-glance

• Wednesday, 14 May: Arrival in Tallinn & Welcome Dinner

• Thursday, 15 May: Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, Skype, TransferWise

• Friday, 16 May: University of Tartu, Positium, Regio

• Saturday, 17 May: ICT Demo Center, Discussion & Departure


Thursday, 15 May, Tallinn

Tanel Tammet, Department of Computer Science, Tallinn University of Technology Crowdsourcing and big data analysis. People produce large amounts of data during their everyday activities: moving around, taking photos, sending messages and writing reviews. Analysing this data in clever ways can lead to unexpected and practically useful information not available otherwise. The

Estonian projects and a related project analysing massive positioning data from mobile phones employ statistics, learning and AI techniques to combine and categorize raw crowdsourced data. Another Estonian project analyses and visualizes relations and dependencies in large database systems such as those of banks and electric utilities. Both these systems and big data analysis systems in general rely increasingly on new AI methods combining probabilities with logic to enable handling imprecise and uncertain knowledge of everyday life in the real world. The project targets such needs with an ultra-fast probabilistic-rule-enabled database.

Rain Ottis, Department of Computer Science, Tallinn University of Technology

Power and conflict in cyberspace: the Estonian experience. A brief overview of the cyber attacks against Estonia in the spring of 2007 and changes in the Estonian cyber security landscape since then.

Einar Meister, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology 

Estonian speech technology. Speech recognition and synthesis have reached an impressive level for major languages such as English. But Einar Meister and his team are busy helping to get speech technologies for Estonian, a language of just a million speakers, up to speed.

Tobias Ley, Institute of Informatics, Tallinn University

Social semantic technologies for scaling informal workplace learning. Professionals predominantly learn at the workplace in the context of their work tasks. Tobias Ley and his team are looking for ways to use social semantic and mobile technologies to capture, make sense and share experiences that people make during everyday work.

Dan Bogdanov, Cybernetica AS

Sharemind. The ingenious data analysis system, Sharemind, performs computations on confidential data without compromising privacy. It does not even see the data that it processes. So it can, for example, warn satellite owners about orbital collision risks without revealing the exact trajectories.


Developed in Estonia and now owned by Microsoft, Skype allows peer-to-peer communication by voice, video and instant messaging over the Internet. In 2013, Skype users spent more than 400,000 years, cumulatively, on international Skype-to-Skype calls.


Created by some of the same people who built Skype, this company is poised to spark a financial revolution that waves goodbye to the unfair exchange rates of the old banking system by offering a clever new way to send money abroad.


Friday, 16 May, Tartu

Jaak Vilo. Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu

Big data in small Estonia. Estonia has seen growth in data science – from biobanking the DNA to mobile positioning; from business model discovery from logs to e-health or marine data mining. Activities range from academic excellence to startups. Jaak Vilo will cover some of the activities in this area.

Reedik Mägi, Estonian Genome Centre, University of Tartu

Perspectives of genomics. An account of the increasingly IT-intensive science of genomics in Estonia and elsewhere.

Krista Fischer, Estonian Genome Centre, University of Tartu

From genomic research to personalized medicine. Looking for ways to compute and communicate individual genetic risk.

Kristjan Vassil. Institute of Government and Politics, University of Tartu

The impact of internet voting on political participation. The Estonian e-voting experience offers an unprecedented resource for political scientists to study online voting behaviour, e.g. the effect of online voting on voter turnout.

Rein Ahas, Department of Geography, University of Tartu

Erki Saluveer, Positium LBS

Using mobile positioning data in planning and public administration. The ubiquitous mobile device, characteristic of the information age, is used by scientists to get valuable information on the movement of people, helping to make sense of social patterns. Human geographer Rein Ahas’s team has created a positioning method that yields usable data, yet respects privacy.

Regio Ltd (Reach-U)

Demograft. Regio created the first live positioning service in the world: in cooperation with Ericsson, it started developing the E-112 solution for locating emergency callers in 1999. Today, they are one of the largest providers of location-based services to mobile operators globally. On the visit they will demonstrate the location analytics platform Demograft.

Saturday, 17 May, Tallinn

ICT Demo Center. This non-profit organisation showcases the nation’s ICT solutions (the electronic ID and digital signature, e-Governance, e-Business, e-Healthcare, e-School, etc.) all in one facility and provides visitors with hands-on examples of what they are and how they work.

Discussion. Another opportunity to freely discuss the outlooks and challenges of Estonian e-governance solutions etc with specialists, activists and leaders.



Facts and comments about e-Estonia

X-Road is the backbone of e-Estonia. It is the invisible yet crucial environment that allows the nation’s various e-service databases, both in the public and private sector, to link up and operate in harmony. In December, Estonia agreed with Finland to implement the X-Road source code as a foundation for the Finnish national data system. Estonia essentially functions as a global cyber power.

– Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas

Estonia may represent the future of governments, at least in the Western world.

– Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google

In 2005, Estonia became the first country in the world to have country-wide elections where citizens could cast binding votes over the internet. Since then, a total of six e-elections have been held, with the share of e-votes reaching 24 per cent of the total cast in the general elections of 2011.

See more on

Estonia is a country that holds a leading position at the global level in information technology and cyber security.

– Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan


Practical information

Accommodation for three nights (14–17 May), meals, and transportation during the trip will be covered by the organisers. However, participants are responsible for their travel expenses to and from Tallinn, including airport transfer.

You will stay at the PK Ilmarine hotel (, Põhja pst 21b, 10414 Tallinn), just a few minutes walk from the Old Town. If you would like to extend your stay, we can help you book your room for an extra night (or two).

Please make sure to arrive at the hotel lobby at 6:30 p.m. Estonian Summer Time (CEST+1) on Wednesday, 14 May, to set off for the Welcome Dinner. The programme will end at 2 p.m. on Saturday, 17 May.

Objeven první systém prstenců kolem planetky

Kentaur Chariklo má dva prstence


Pozorování provedená na mnoha místech jižní Ameriky včetně observatoře La Silla v Chile přinesla překvapivý objev. Vzdálená planetka Chariklo má systém dvou prstenců. Jedná se o teprve pátý objekt ve Sluneční soustavě (a o zdaleka nejmenší těleso), u kterého byl prstenec objeven. Původ tohoto útvaru je však záhadou. Mohlo by se jednat o pozůstatek kolize, při které na oběžné dráze kolem planetky vznikl disk trosek. Výsledky byly zveřejněny ve vědeckém časopise Nature 26. března 2014.

Prstence planety Saturn patří k nejpůsobivějším útvarům ve Sluneční soustavě. Méně nápadné prstence mají i všechny ostatní velké planety – Jupiter, Uran i Neptun. U menších objektů se však přes opakované pečlivé hledání prstence objevit nepodařilo. Nedávno provedená pozorování přechodu planetky (10199) Chariklo před vzdálenou hvězdou však ukázala, že toto malé těleso prstence má.

Nehledali jsme prstenec a ani jsme si nemysleli, že tak malá tělesa, jako je Chariklo, by něco takového mohla mít. Objev samotný i množství zjištěných detailů byly pro nás naprostým překvapením,“ říká Felipe Braga-Ribas (Observatório Nacional/MCTI, Rio de Janeiro, Brazílie) – vedoucí kampaně a hlavní autor článku v časopise Nature.


Více informací v tiskové zprávě ESO.

Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci – 27.3. DURBAN, Jižní Afrika

Invitation to the Press Conference

AfricaPVSEC, Thursday 27th March 2014, Durban, South Africa

The opening of Africa Photovoltaic Conference and Exhibition (AfricaPVSEC) takes place on 27th March at the ICC in Durban.

AfricaPVSEC is an initiative of EU PVSEC and SNEC, which have partnered to promote the photovoltaic solar energy sector in Africa and to bring together leading experts, researchers, public authorities, representatives of international organizations, donors, and NGOs (

We would like to remind journalists and media reporters about the opportunity to attend the event free of charge.

Head of the Conference Steering Committee is Prof. Vivian Alberts, University of Johannesburg. The Programme Chairman is Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.

AfricaPVSEC will facilitate the exchange of ideas, initiatives and technologies and to move towards an efficient and sustainable exploitation of solar photovoltaics for the African context.

By reporting on the AfricaPVSEC you will be encouraging the breakdown of this important information and paving the way for further developments.

What is planned for press and media?

  • Press Conference on Thursday 27th March 2014, at 12 am, followed by Q&A
  • Interview opportunities with key speakers and leading experts from the PV-solar branch
  • On-site support
  • Key support documents
  • Professional photos

We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by filling in the press accreditation form at:

AfricaPVSEC is supported by European and international organisations including: the European Commission, Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), African Renewable Energy Alliance (AREA), ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), the International Photovoltaic Equipment Association (IPVEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the University of Johannesburg.
For further information:

Press contact:
Chiara Benetti, Tel. +39 055 5002280;
Sabine Walther, Tel. +49 89 72012795;

ICT in Estonia – přihlášky do 7.4.2014

ICT in Estonia
A study trip to Tallinn and Tartu, 14–17 May 2014

The Estonian Association of Science Journalists and the Estonian Research Council are inviting fifteen European Union of Science Journalists‘ Associations (“EUSJA”) science journalists to a study trip to explore Estonian computer science and e-society systems, from 14–17 May 2014.

On the two-and-a-half days of the trip, journalists will meet with outstanding information and communication technology (“ICT”) researchers in Estonian universities, visit successful ICT businesses and get acquainted with Estonia’s unique e-government solutions.

Did you know that

• Tallinn is home to the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of
Excellence and a seat of the EU Agency for Large-Scale IT systems?
• The country’s implementation of e-cabinet, e-tax, e-customs, e-
registers and e-voting systems has revolutionised accessibility and
quality of government services for its citizens?
• Estonia has launched a nationwide scheme to teach school kids
from the age of seven to 19 how to write code?
• Skype was developed in Estonia? (You must have heard at least
about this one ˘)
Programme Itinerary At-a-Glance

• Wednesday, 14 May: Arrival in Tallinn and Welcome Dinner
• Thursday, 15 May: Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology, and ICT business representatives
• Friday, 16 May: University of Tartu
• Saturday, 17 May: E-society systems & Departure

Programme Highlights

Free calls @ Skype. Developed in Estonia and now owned by Microsoft, Skype allows peer-topeer communication by voice, video and instant messaging over the Internet. In 2013, Skype users
spent more than 400,000 years, cumulatively, on international Skype-to-Skype calls.

Wise transfers @ TransferWise. Created by some of the same people who built Skype, this company is poised to spark a financial revolution that waves goodbye to the unfair exchange rates
of the old banking system by offering a clever new way to send money abroad.

Analysing secrets @ Cybernetica AS. An R&D intensive ICT company for top-notch security solutions. Team leader Dan Bogdanov will present Sharemind, a data analysis system for securely processing confidential information.

Speech technology @ Tallinn University of Technology. Speech recognition and synthesis have reached an impressive level for major languages such as English. But Einar Meister and his team
are busy helping to get speech technologies for Estonian, a language of just a million speakers, up to speed.

Bioinformatics @ University of Tartu. Bioinformatics, the application of computational tools to biological or health data, is a young science in Estonia – as it is elsewhere. Jaak Vilo is a founder and leader of the approach in this country.

Social positioning @ University of Tartu. The ubiquitous mobile device, characteristic of the information age, is used by scientists to get valuable information on the movement of people, helping to make sense of social patterns. Human geographer Rein Ahas’s team has created a positioning method that yields usable data, yet respects privacy.

E-Estonia @ ICT Demo Center. A non-profit organisation showcasing Estonia’s ICT solutions (ebanking, e-school, e-voting, e-police, e-health, the digital signature etc.).

Practical information

Accommodation for three nights (May 14–17), meals, and transportation during the trip will be covered by the organisers. However, participants are responsible for their travel expenses to and from Tallinn, including airport transfer.

The programme will end at 2 p.m. Estonian Summer Time (CEST+1) on Saturday, May 17.

Please send applications via national associations by, at the latest, April 7, 2014 to Priit Ennet

The application should identify the journal or newspaper you will represent during the study trip.

A more detailed programme with logistical information is to follow.

For any inquiries please contact:

Marina –