Hlavní ředitelství pro zdraví a potravinovou bezpečnost EK (SANTE) a Evropské centrum žurnalistiky vás zvou k účasti na semináři s názvem 50 let farmaceutické legislativy v EU: Milníky a perspektivy. Koná se 28. a 29. září v Bruselu. Přihlášky do 15. července.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of pharmaceutical legislation in the EU. European pharmaceutical legislation has throughout the years resulted in one of the safest and most advanced systems for monitoring the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines while at the same time supporting and promoting research and innovation.
To take stock of the achievements and explore future perspectives of pharmaceutical legislation in the EU, we invite a selected group of journalists from the EU 28 to a two-day programme consisting of a high-level conference on Monday 28, followed by a media seminar on Tuesday 29.
The attending journalists will participate in an exclusive press breakfast with EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, on Tuesday 29 September.
Additionally, the programme will feature, among others:
- a keynote speech by Commissioner Andriukaitis;
- panel discussions on the appropriate level of risk regulations and the vital relationship between regulators and industry;
- a presentation of science slam scientific projects;
- interview opportunities with a wide range of key stakeholders in the Pharma industry, including with Thalidomide victims.
This event is exclusively catered for specialist and expert journalists in the field of health.
If you are interested in participating please contact Cristina Romero by 15 July at romero@ejc.net. By return of email, please insert a few lines on your motivation and, if possible, include links to articles you may have written on the subject.
The final selection will take place at the end of July, and we will inform you shortly thereafter if your invitation is confirmed.
The organisers will cover flight, accommodation and most meals.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
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